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Cloud CTF

Hosted Capture the Flag Platform

Cloud Capture the Flag start screen

Web-based Competitions

CloudCTF is a Jeopardy style, web-based capture the flag competition environment that can host hundreds of simultaneous users. Individuals or teams complete challenges in various cybersecurity-related categories, such as cryptography, networking, reconnaissance, reverse engineering, binary exploitation, and web application exploitation. Other categories can be added by challenge organizers.

Cloud Capture the Flag challenge options

Full Library of Challenges

CTF organizers have full control over the challenge set for their CloudCTF instance. They can add, remove, edit, or hide challenges at any time before or during a competition. CloudCTF also provides a library of challenges; organizers can create their own challenges, use pre-existing ones, or both.

Cloud Capture the Flag scoreboard graph

Real-time Scoring

Automated scoring provides team rankings in real time, and helps players keep track of their progress. Tools are provided for CTF organizers to set competition rules and timeline. Organizers can select from an ever-increasing list of CTF background and color schemes.

Cloud CTF plan options include:

Platform Hosting: Basic Plan – Included at no additional cost with all U.S. Cyber Range organization subscriptions, the basic CloudCTF platform can be deployed in any U.S. Cyber Range course and played by students enrolled in the course.

Platform Hosting: Premium Plan – Our premium plan allows player self-registration for larger CTFs. Players don’t need to be enrolled in a U.S. Cyber Range course to play. Premium plan customers have administrative access to their CloudCTF instance to manage the event.

Event Hosting: Custom Plan – In combination with Premium Plan hosting, we can organize and execute your entire event based on your needs. Custom plan services include:

  • CTF platform setup and configuration
  • Challenge curation based on participant skill level
  • New challenge creation to support specific requirements
  • Custom theme and background graphics
  • U.S. Cyber Range-based Kali Linux Environments for players
  • Dedicated real-time event support during business hours